Nathan Lim is an undergraduate at UCLA as a B.A. candidate in Economics with a double minor in Social Data Science and Accounting. He is an Audit and Assurance Intern at Deloitte serving TMT and Consumer clients and the current President at Bruin Entrepreneurs.
Before becoming the 11th President at Bruin Entrepreneurs, Nathan served as the Director of Design (now known as the Media Initiative), overseeing the rebranding of the organization and Designathon at UCLA 2023: summit.
Proud Puangmaha is an undergraduate at UCLA as a B.A./B.S. candidate in Business Economics and Cognitive Science. She is a Product Development Intern at NBCUniversal and the current Vice President at Bruin Entrepreneurs.
Before becoming Vice President at Bruin Entrepreneurs, Proud served as staff on Startup Labs Bootcamp, helping developing the curriculum and the program up to its demo day.