
Contact Us

Reach Out to Us

Students, Professionals, and Companies can reach out to our organization using the form below or by e-mailing us at contact@bruinentrepreneurs.org.

If you are a student interested in recruitment, reach out to our recruiting committee at talent@bruinentrepreneurs.org.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bruin Entrepreneurs is the premier entrepreneurship organization at the University of California, Los Angeles. Founded in 2013, BE’s core mission is to facilitate entrepreneurship among undergraduates by providing resources, networking, and guidance. Learn more about us at our About page.

Students have a myriad of ways of being a part of our network. We have many initiative-hosted events, including Weekly Nights, 1000 Pitches, Startup Fair LA, BruinLabs, Startup Labs Bootcamp, and Designathon that are open to students across different experience levels in entrepreneurship. Most of our opportunities are beginner-friendly and are a great way to get into the entrepreneurial space and experience the intersection of the field with their interested field. 

Students can also be involved with our team by being a part of our recruitment process to apply to join our team.

We encourage students to join our mailing list, which is available on our Home page, to be the first to know of any upcoming events. Make sure to follow us on social media @bruinentrepreneurs to get more updates as well! 

We are always looking for new startups and companies to work with! We have multiple initiative-hosted events that are always looking for sponsors as well as partnerships to bring a great entrepreneurial space to UCLA. Feel free to reach out to us using the contact form above or at contact@bruinentrepreneurs.org to let us know of your plans!

We encourage you to join our mailing list as well, which is available on our Home page, to be the first to know of any upcoming events. Make sure to follow us on social media @bruinentrepreneurs to get more updates as well!